Harmonization need of the protection the financial services consumers legislation.
Harmonization of minimums as a risk for consumers: reduction of their rights.
I consumatori saranno sempre più informati e tutelati.
E' nato, infatti, il Foro Permanente, un network europeo tra
associazioni, esperti e professionisti nel campo della tutela
dei consumatori. Il progetto è organizzato in Italia
dall'Associazione Consumatori Piemonte, nell'ambito delle
iniziative finanziate dalla Commissione Europea. Foro Permanente
vuole essere uno strumento di confronto e dibattito sui temi
di maggior interesse economico e giuridico.
In many countries commissions or banking expenses are not regulated!: It is necessary to make a survey on the expenses that consumers support by the use of financial services and products and develop some control regulations of these expenses that in some countries become excessive.
In the name of the free market some financial entities reach to change the normative of other countries to allow the entrance of their products which were not commercializated before in that country: we should study these measures to see how could affect this to European consumers.
Action plan :
Green Paper on Financial Services Policy (2005 - 2010)
The application of the Lamfalussy process to EU securities markets legislation. A preliminary assessment by the Commission services
Working groups :
Forum Groups of Market Experts
Forum Group on the ISD Green Paper
Forum Group on Market Manipulation
Forum Group on the cross-border uses of collateral
Forum Group on information
Forum Group on Market Obstacles
Forum Group on Facilitating to cross-border corporate financial services
Results :