The change of profile of the "shareholder", now: economizer- investor, should approach him to the consumer concept.
Information to small shareholders.
Novità per i creditori Parmalat. Entro il 18 settembre
i soggetti non presenti nell'elenco potranno depositare istanza
di ammissione dei propri crediti. E' quanto annunciato dal
commissario straordinario Enrico Bondi in un avviso pubblicato
su alcuni giornali. Entro la stessa data i creditori e i soggetti
interessati potranno presentare, al tribunale di Parma, le
proprie osservazioni sull'elenco dei creditori, sugli importi
indicati e sulle cause di prelazione del gruppo Parmalat.
Lack of participation of the small shareholders in big quoted companies continues being a democratic deficit that should be surpass.
Big financial scandals as Parmalat or Terra continue being something frequent that must be avoided, obtaining therefore the confidence of consumers in financial markets.
Argentine Debt: In many countries financial services consumers had part of their savings in bonds or obligations of the Argentine state, who now and after the serious economic crisis is only committed to give back 75% of the inverted amount in really long terms. Perhaps it is the moment to think about a Guarantee Fund for countries that commercialize bonds.
Action plan :
DG Internal Market Services' revised working document on the implementation of Articles 25 and 58 of the European Parliament and Council Directive 2004/39/EC
Working groups :
European Securities Committee (ESC)
Results :