The Insurance legislation and the European consumer problems
The advances of the science and the technique, the evolution though
a progressive industrialization that has multiplied widely the risks
of causing damages in exchange of the mere economic benefit, the
consequent gradual evolution of the judicial interpretations though
the modern "risk theories" and "fault objectivity"
(who creates a risk must respond of its possible harmful consequences
to third people), as well as the incessant search of security and
protection of patrimony and rents which entails the social state
of the well-being, these are some of the main factors that have
caused that from approximately half of century XX to our days, has
taken place spectacular apogee of the insuring activity in all what
today it is the communitarian Europe, that has nevertheless not
seen to reach such levels in all the States members, and this not
only for differences in questions of industrial and economic development,
but also, by clear sociological reasons and even for simple custom
or tradition.
Normatively the insurance field is perhaps one of which, from all
points of view, it has been more influenced by the Communitarian
Right. Its origin could be found in the dispositions of the TCE
that did beneficiaries of the liberties of establishment and benefit
of services to the communitarian companies of insurance, circumstance
that entailed that simultaneously the establishment of a common
regime for contracts of insurance was considered necessary, that
quickly had begun to operate in all the communitarian area, which
derived in a complex communitarian regulation that was dictating
in several stages, in a staggered and fragmented form according
to the different branches of the insurance, causing finally the
existence of the present maremagnun normative, so confused that
until the own European legislator, when given account, has tried
to mitigate it partially through the publication of Rewrite texts.
But still in spite of this out of proportion ruled eagerness, the
certain thing is that the existing regulation has not been able
to avoid the existence of important differences in the protection
of the consumer depending on the legislation of the State member
that is applied, and it mainly because, although the results of
the process of harmonization of the Right of insurance of the States
members suppose, in opinion of the more specialized doctrine, the
best example of the integrating function of the Private International
Right, we must regret that this European norm has gone more to try
to regulate the insurance sector at enterprise level that to obtaining
a true protection of the European consumer, and in this way, we
found that one of the most characteristic elements of the European
norm resides indeed in the incidence of norms of Public Right (those
that regulate the control of the insuring activity), in which really
supposes rather a relation of Private Right between the contractors.
In this way we reach the conclusion that the consideration of most
of the problems provoked for the European consumer in relation to
the insurance contract, are directly linked to the understanding
of the process of communitarian liberalization of the activities
related to the insurance.
It is sure that the European norm has established rules of common
minimums for the protection of the consumer, but has done it in
a way of merely orientation, that are really the States members
those that in greater measurement define the final degree of protection
to the consumer, specially in the matter of publicity and commercialization
of contracts.
For all these reasons, we are going to analyze, among other questions,
mainly the problematic ones to which in this insuring scope it comes
facing the consumer, to develop simultaneously several proposals
of normative evolution to, in a future, reach a greater homogenization
and improvement of the communitarian legislation agreed with the
reality and, most beneficial possible for the European consumer.
As we have pointed previously, the present situation of the European
legislation in the matter of insurance counts with important deficiencies
in relation to the consumer protection, among other reasons mainly
with the occasion of having focused more in provided a regulation
from the point of view of the enterprise, that in looking for an
effective protection of the European consumer, reason by which exists
a urgent necessity to carry out a legislative reform that corrects
such deficiencies.
Normative regulation. – The present normative situation of
the insurance sector comes characterized by its excessive complexity,
caused by successive proliferation of norms that in a progressive
and fragmented way has been dictating at all levels, and which motivates
the urgent necessity of a reorganization and update, so that finally
we can find one or two texts only, to which it’s possible
to go without a need of returning to previous norms that although
partially are being countermanded, subsist for certain aspects.
In this sense already a first step is given with the elaboration
of a adapt Text with respect to the regulation of life insurances.
Mainly the European regulation in the matter of insurances has
been carried out instrumentally through a series of successive Directives
characterized mainly for establish solely rules of minimums that
have left into the hands of the States members the option of regulating
with bigger amplitude great part of the questions, between which
are great part of which specifically talk about consumer protection.
Such Directives have been very criticised by the majority legal
doctrine, that understands these, as norms not directly applicable,
theoretically they forced the legislator to establish clear and
precise criterions. However, it doesn’t seem that this imperative
of clarity and simplicity guided the aims of the authors of the
Directives, pawned in a difficult synthesis between totally different
models. Essential synthesis even to make effective the free benefit
of services. Thus for example, one of the main problems that the
harmonized norms raise consists in the determination of which are
the regulated contracts of insurance. Problem that, as well, is
transferred to the national norms of incorporation of the dispositions
of the Directives.
On the other side, we find that the Directives are only applied
to insuring authorized in a Member State. In this way the Directives
present an emptiness that urgently must be covered as far as the
regulation of the insurance contracts which cover risks located
in the Community celebrated with insuring excluded from the scope
of application of the Directives or with insuring of third States,
not established in a State member. Emptiness that if it is not corrected
properly at the level of the European Union, can and must be overwhelmed
when incorporating the harmonized solutions, which partially has
made already some State member (for example Germany).
In which specifically talks about the protection of the consumer,
a lack of specific protection is detected before diverse practices
of the insurers, on which, in spite of being known, never direct
legislative measures have been taken, as are for example the derived
ones of the different agreements subscribed internally between the
companies, by which is the own insuring who, in case of happening
a wreck, pays the indemnification that would have to pay the insurance
of the opposite vehicle cause of the damage, as long as it doesn’t
exceed certain agreed quantity. The experience of the Consumer Associations
is that these agreements cause malaise, distrust and great number
of claims between the consumers, because although the companies
insist on that the referred system of agreements makes agile proceedings
and shortens terms (CIDE, ASCIDE, etc.), is sure that it has provocated
that, happened a wreck, the own insurer of the user is part interested
in the conflict and as so obviously cannot defend with guarantees
and impartiality the rights of its insured (it offers a smaller
indemnification to him than it would correspond to him, it shows
to him lack of inviability of a possible claim, reduces to him advantages,
influence the supposed impartiality of the action of the experts
of the own companies, etc).
Two possible measures to save the conflicts that this habitual
practice will entail are, by a side demanding the publicity of such
agreements, and on the other hand, to give a greater publicity to
the freedom of election of the insured defense, because it is evident
that the professionals freely chosen by the own insured will have
the biggest freedom in the technical direction of the entrusted
subjects, without depending on the instructions of the Insurer,
but as complement to it, it is important that the Courts of Justice
consider in an unanimous form that the mere existence of an agreement
between the insuring companies of the vehicles implied in an accident
estimates a clear conflict of interests that qualifies the insured
to carry out the mentioned free election of professionals paid by
the own insurance.
Another aspect that we considerate fundamental by the judicial
and theoretical controversies that provocates, but that nevertheless
has not either been regulated with clarity and forcefulness, it
is the relative one to the form of compensation of the caused damage.
On which once and for all it would have to establish the preference
of the value of reparation of the damages on the venal value of
the vehicle (theoretical value of the market of the vehicle given
based on its mark - model - version and date of matriculation),
for responding the first one to the purpose of reestablishing the
economic and patrimonial situation of the harmed one, because is
known that the venal value is not equivalent to the value of use
(nor still adding to it an extra of a theoretical increase for "affection
value" of the vehicle), and the opposite situation would be
equivalent to break the patrimony of that, because it is obvious
that the only way to obtain the "restitutio in natura"
of the damage is the reparation of the vehicle, and thus it must
obligatorily to proceed, even though will be superior its cost to
the hypothetical value from sale of the vehicle, unless the own
harmed, in the concrete case specifically accepts an agreement in
the opposite sense or it is clear the impossibility of reparation.
Concurrence and legislation applicable to the Insurance Contract.
- The norms of concurrence in the matter of insurances conform a
complex system between concurrent and exclusive competences, by
which, although in a limited way, the plaintiff has the possibility
of choosing between the Courts of different States, because it does
not exist an unique competence and in addition it is possible that
the own parts, in certain cases and fulfilling conditions very strict
that guarantee the interests of the insured, can through the explicit
submission prorogue the judicial concurrence of a certain Court.
In certain way one has been looking for a system that lent special
protection to the contracting part considered weaker before the
abuses that could exert through the mechanism of the unilateral
predetermination of the content of the contract through the general
conditions of these (adhesion contracts), although, without showing
preference for the option of establishing an exclusive competition
in favour of the forum of the address of the insured, but who has
settled down a complicated system of judicial concurrence whose
rules change according to the position that the part typically considered
weaker occupies in the process, to that as compensation is created
the possibility to him of to choose to demand the insurer among
several jurisdictions. And even though this necessity of protection
of the insured as weaker contractor even has been reaffirmed by
the TJCE in Sentences like the one of 14 Julio 1983.
In this way, the demands against the insurer can be raised by him
before the courts of the address of this one or before the address
of the insurance holder or subscriber of the policy and it will
be an insurer before the Courts of the State that knows the action
against the first signer. General norms that are complemented with
certain special norms for certain branches of the insurance, for
which options are extended. Thus for example, in the insurances
relative to buildings, coherently it is allowed to demand the insurer
before the Court of the place where the harmful fact had taken place.
With respect to the right to apply, in the matter of insurances,
at its moment the European legislator considered its exclusion of
the general regime of applicable law marked by the Treatment of
Rome more advisable and to dictate special dispositions that, except
for certain exceptions indicated there, regulated them, and in whose
virtue, in general, we were whereupon it corresponds to be applied
to the contract the law of the State of the insured or in the case
of the insurances of damages, the one of the State where he is located
the risk, thus for example, like general norm (unless certain exceptions
concur), the applicable Law before damages to people happened as
a result of traffic accident it will be the one of the State in
whose territory it has happened.
Such formulation criteria of the Law applicable to the insurance
contract, we considered them, in certain way, logical. Nevertheless,
it happens that once again has been committed the failure of leaving
too many doors to the States members open so that they can vary
such options, and is that in the Directives regulations are contained
that qualify the States to extend the possibilities of election
of the Law applicable to the contract. This possibility entails
that the conflictual system of the Directives is an open system,
allowing the national legislator to have a greater margin of performance
so that the parts choose the law applicable to the contract. In
this way, respecting the minimum established for the cases in which
the elements of the contract are dispersed in several legal orderings,
each State member will be able, when incorporating the Directive,
to decide how to form the autonomy of the will. Decision that should
be respected by the other States members. Thus concretely, for example,
we were whereupon in Directive 2002/83/CE of the European Parliament
and the Council of 5 November 2002 on the life insurance, in spite
of initially expressing clearly that the applicable legislation
it will be the legislation of the State member of the commitment,
next opens the options when indicating that, however, when the Right
of this State member allows it, the parts will be able to choose
the legislation of other country.
Publicity, sale and information to the Consumer. - One of the circumstances
that characterize unfortunately more the insuring sector is the
great aggressiveness of its systems of sales, sustained through
intense advertising campaigns, culminated through ruthless brokers,
in most of the cases barely formed or semiprofessional, that use
all type of deceits managing to sell a policy and to obtain for
himself the corresponding commission.
These techniques of sale usually go accompanied of a total lack
of information to the user, or even if it is possible to be said,
in many cases of deceptive information, because multitude of promises
are made that soon are not fulfilled, but that the user never will
be able to demonstrate that they were made by lack of any written
document that credits it. Few contracts are made solely after the
consumer has been able really to know which type of insurance is
more advisable to him and among these, to have been able comparatively
to analyze the prices of the different companies.
And all it in a contractual business with more than evident complexities
and difficulties of understanding for user, that it is formalized
through a contract of adhesion prevailed by complicated clauses
of difficult understanding, that offer variety of guarantees and
covers often so ample, that soon, during the life of the policy,
many insured, by simple ignorance of the small letter, do not protest
to which they have right, with the consequent damage for their pocket
or in other cases will fall without noticing in situations of sub-insurance
or over-insurance. But the lack of information in the matter of
insurances is not limited solely to the reach of the covers, but
that even great part of the holders of an insurance even ignores
the exclusions and limitations that impose the clauses of their
With respect to the publicity, it is enough to say; that basically
the insuring companies can carry out the publicity of their products
in all the scope of the European Union with normality. However,
the States members can demand that they respect those rules that
regulates the form and the content of such publicity and that they
are derived or from the communitarian acts adopted in the matter
of publicity, or of the regulations adopted by the States members
by reasons of general interest.
In which is referred to the information to the consumer, related
to "life insurance", we must praise that finally the Directive
2002/83/CE of the European Parliament and the Council of 5 November
2002, it has established, with a debatable greater or smaller clarity,
the minimums of information that must receive the holder of the
policy, as much before the celebration of the contract like throughout
its period of use.
Nevertheless, it cannot be said the same in relation to the "nonlife
insurances", where although it has anticipated the obligation
of information to the consumer related to the law applicable to
the contract and treatment of the claims, however, unfortunately
the obligation has not taken shape to facilitate a detailed information
on the content and the reach of the subscribed contract.
But the main problem, in this aspect is that once again we have
been whereupon that the flexibility with has been written up the
communitarian norms, has allowed that some States of the European
Union, with clear kindness on the part of the own communitarian
institutions, have created internal norms that have as only aim
manage to draw astutely the measures of protection established by
the communitarian legislation, as for example has happened in Germany
through the figure of the "Policy Model", that mainly
has replaced the wished European general criterion that provides
all the relevant information of the insurance contract with previous
character to its formalization, without as we say, nothing has done
face this doubtful normative figure.
On the other hand, as concrete critics on the information facilitated
to the consumer analyzed on the basis of the experience, we can
indicate the little transparency and inadequate information about
the possibility that all user have to retract itself of the insurance
contract during the period of reflection, as well as the informative
deficiencies about means of extrajudicial claim and on the annexed
insurances to other financial products, that although in many occasions
are very advisable and the consumers would should be better informed
on the matter, the certain thing is that has been detected the bad
practice that supposes in many cases tying life insurances and multirisk
to other financial products as for example mortgage credits, without
saying the user that these insurances are not really obligatory
and in many occasions doing even depending a hiring on the other
and, in any case, settling down normally the direct collection on
the part of the financial organizations as beneficiaries of the
policies instead of the contracting consumer in case of concurrence
of the wreck.
Another important source of conflict arises related to the bad
practice that in many occasions have the insurers of not facilitating
a complete unit of the contract before the signature of the same
one, as it had to be done, and to postpone its delivery to the signature,
happening that in many occasions they exist substantial differences
between that definitive contract and the initially agreed (in many
cases solely in a verbal form), or in other many occasions even
occurs the circumstance that never is sent to the user the copy
of the agreed conditions, with the consequent defenselessness that
it supposes, having the user only a mere copy of the particular
With the purpose of finishing once and for all with this type of
abusive practices of the insuring sector, besides obvious to improve
the always necessary information to the consumer and the obligations
towards it of the supplier, we think that it would be good for harnessing
a greater professionalissation of the sector and in this sense,
we considerate more suitable for the consumer the form of performance
of the "mediators of insurances" that the one of the mere
agents of the companies, whom in addition it would be necessary
to control in greater measurement, regulating also the access of
these last ones to the profession with the purpose of avoiding the
present proliferation of mere commercial without any formation in
the matter. In this line a coordination of all the state norms is
fundamental on the professional requirements and the registries
of people who accede to the activity.
In this line, very positive would be also the publication of a
"Code of Good Practices of the Insuring Sector", as well
as on the other hand, fixing the obligation for the insuring organizations
of making reference in contracts and in the own branches in which
such contracts become serious, in a visible place, in a clear and
unequivocal form, the procedural body to which can resort in case
of discrepancy, the form and way to make the complaints, the place
established for it, terms, proceedings and the possibility of going
to other instances in case the resolution were not favourable.
This "Code of Good Practices" in addition would be used
to protect the consumer in front of another series of practices
of diverse nature, initially difficult to regulate with concretion,
but which through the experience have been detected, as are the
disproportional increases of premiums without previous consent of
the holder (that to our understanding more than a renovation really
supposes an authentic novation of the contract), the breach of payment
of the minimum of the indemnification on the side of the insurer,
the difficulties presented by the insurers at the time of obtaining
the certificate of accidents to be able to change of company, etc.
Term of resignation. - In relation to the mentioned term of resignation
the failure of coming with a so flexible regulation is committed
again, that even allows specifically the possibility that in determined
cases, quite ample by the way, the State member can by its own initiative
vary or suppress it, creating important differences in the levels
of protection from a State to another one and being able to cause
serious situations of non protection for the consumer in those cases
where the right of resignation is limited.
Thus for example, concretely in relation to life insurance, in
the Directive 2002/83/CE, is included specifically the possibility
that the States members can, freely, decide not to apply the dispositions
to contracts of an equal or inferior duration to six months or when,
in regard to the situation of the holder of the insurance or the
conditions in which the contract is celebrated, the holder does
not need to benefit from this special protection.
Green Card system. - The civil responsibility insurance for the
circulation of vehicles initially was regulated through three directives
that mainly had by solely mission trying the accomplishment of a
single market in the scope of the insurance of the automobile, leaving
to a side the other questions, whose aim introduced the obligation
that all the vehicles of the Community were covered by the responsibility
insurance with thirds (obligatory insurance of the automobile),
fixed the minimum amounts for this cover of insurance, gave the
insurance certificate a general validity in all the communitarian
territory, wanted to assure the compensation the victims accidents
caused by vehicles non identified or without insurance by means
of the establishment of organisms of intervention (guarantee funds)
in all the State members, etc. (Directives 72/166/CE, 84/5/CE and
In which is related to the resolution of the accident wrecks caused
in a State member different from the habitual one for parking, these
three first Directives were based on the system denominated "Green
Card" or "Borders Insurance", which is not more than
a document of international insurances standardized that credits
the existence of a cover according to the criteria of the obligatory
insurance of vehicles in the visited State and that allows to eliminate
a wreck in the State of residence of the harmed one, even in the
case that the other part comes from another European State.
Nevertheless, the green card system, to which on the other hand
little publicity has been given, did not solve all the difficulties
funded by the harmed one at the time of vindicating its rights in
front of a person and an insurer whom has its address in another
State (foreign right, foreign language, procedure of different liquidation,
etc), due to the system of "green card" it solely covered
the victims when they were in their countries of origin, and not
the liquidation of the wrecks of the people who temporarily was
in a state member different from the one of residence like mere
"visitor", and which have suffered damages or injuries
caused by a registered vehicle and insured in a State member different
from the State of residence of the harmed one.
All these problems were tried to solve through the Directive 2000/26/CE
of the European Parliament and the Council of 16 May 2000, that
established a right of direct action of the harmed one against the
company of insurances of the person responsible of the wreck, as
well as the obligation to designate representatives for the liquidation
of wrecks and to create indemnification and information organisms
whose function is to facilitate the indemnification of the accidents
victims happened outside the own state of residence.
But the certain thing is that in spite of these measures, this
type of wrecks continues being of complicated resolution for the
affected user, in a cross border traffic that goes in clear increase.
In these circumstances, one has demonstrated that the rating of
the mentioned direct action forehead to the company really does
not have the tried utility, because the user find the barrier of
having to go normally to a judicial competition and a right that
are absolutely not known to him, to contract the professional services
of professionals (lawyers and solicitors) of the State where the
wreck was caused and to go to oral views in the Courts of that State,
with the expenses and annoyances that it entails. The Fourth Directive
in addition is only applied to the liquidation of wrecks happened
outside the State member of residence of the victim.
To it is linked the fact that the financial or administrative sanctions
theoretically anticipated to guarantee that in a term of three months
from the date in which the harmed one has made its complaint of
indemnification this it is satisfied, really are not being imposed
by the States, as well as the difficulties created by the own insuring
company of the vehicle affected in the accident as a result of so
good agreements between companies.
On the other hand, it follows in addition the urgent necessity
of harmonizing the covers of the automobile insurances when exist
victims in all the territory of the European Union.
The own European Commission is conscious of great part of all this
problematic, until the point, that it has even been pronounced in
several occasions, on the necessity of reviewing and modernizing
the Directives on the insurance of the automobile, in fact in 1999
began a period of consultation with the participation of national
authorities, representing authorities of the sector, and representatives
of the users and victims, that was completed with a Resolution of
the Own European Parliament in 2001 that recommended the adoption
of a fifth directive on the insurance of the automobile.
Nevertheless, we were whereupon in spite of such actions, the
real thing is that at the moment the hoped fifth Director has not
been dictated yet, which simplifies and updates the existing regulation
and that once and for all allows the liquidation of all the accidents
independently of the State of residence of the victim. In fact,
the real thing is that the Proposal of the fifth published Directive,
continues leaving important emptiness, as are continuing without
contemplating the cases in which the responsibility has not been
determined, that is to say, in which the insurer rejects its responsibility
or the amount of the indemnification, aspect that although evidently
as the European legislator says is competition of the ordinary courts,
not avoid that communitarian mechanisms of extrajudicial resolution
could be created that also solve this type of conflicts, and in
this sense once again we think that the arbitration would be the
better option.
Creation of a Registry of Life Insurances. - One of the main problems
that affect the field of the life insurances is in fact so simple,
because it consists on which the beneficiaries of such do not get
to receive them to not know their existence.
Problematic, which would have easy solution by means of the creation
of an European registry of life insurances in order to, in case
of death, the beneficiaries could know the existence of these policies.
Concretely this registry would reflect all life insurances that
is titular a person, who are the beneficiaries, the quantities and
the company with which has this insurance contracted, independently
of the State of origin of the same ones.
This registry finds a clear precedent in which has been working
for a long time in the European Union with respect to the securing
of vehicles. At particular level in States members as the Spanish
already is being raised his future creation.
In this way it would be avoided that the beneficiaries must discover
by their own the existence of the insurances, and even would be
obtained that the own user, the holder, has knowledge that certain
products, mainly banking products, entail the subscription of a
life insurance (cards of purchase on credit of great surfaces, the
insurances to all risk and third of vehicles, certain special policies
for workers, special labour contracts, consumer credits, trips,
use of public transport, etc.). Then, even though some of these
insurances only cover during a limited period of time, in other
cases are insurances that continue while the holder of the main
product is had.
The mentioned registry must be in direct connection with the civil
registry of deaths, in order that do not have to be the heirs who
communicate the deaths to the insuring organizations, but that is
internally carried out from a registry to another one, and that
after it is the own administration in charge of the registry the
one that communicates it to the insurers of that the causant is
holder of policies, and thus, occurring an opportune upset to the
present reality, in addition the legal obligation would settle down
of which they are the own Insuring Companies those that have the
obligation of notifying to the possible beneficiaries the existence
of the policies so that these can exercise their rights with respect
to the capital assured for such contingency, and it , with the intrinsic
legal determination that the terms of prescription of the actions
to protest begin to count from such offer of actions becomes true.
Once demonstrated the effectiveness of this new system, it could
even proceed to the extension of the registry to other financial
products like the banking deposits, participation in investment
funds, etc.
Solvency and liquidation of the Companies. - As much the solvency
control of the companies as the measures of cleaning and the procedures
of liquidation are aspects that appear regulated at European level
by several communitarian Directives, but is absolutely necessary
that the level of established control will be more homogenous and
less flexible and it does not leave into the hands of the States
so many questions, for example, we find that, although the cleaning
and liquidation of the insuring companies is regulated through the
Directive 2002/12/CE and Directive 2002/13/CE, in them is reserved
the initiative of these measures and their procedures of liquidation
to the authority of control of the State member of origin, which
causes important differences from a State to another one, causing
the existence of different levels of protection and big difficulties
of understanding for the consumer who evidently cannot know how
it is the regulation in each State member. In this sense, still
against the opinion of the own European Commission, we understand
that it is necessary to harmonize aspects such the different systems
of privileged credits existing in the different States members and
to protect the consumer front to others.
In another side, we find a legal emptiness of protection related
to the communitarian branches of insurance agencies with social
address in third countries and the resident creditors in the Community,
since the communitarian Directors do not regulate the effects of
the cleaning measures and procedures of liquidation in relation
to third countries.
To obtain a great and better defense of the consumer, the creation
of an European Registry on the side of the communitarian authorities
related to the situation of solvency of the insuring organizations
would be also interesting, which operates intracommunitarianly,
that could be consulted freely for everybody and which simultaneously
contributed to guarantee good practices on the side of the organizations.
It would not only be beneficial for the user, but in addition it
would avoid that false rumours on the solvency of an organization
can harm this one.
Consumer participation. – Till now, the consumer participation
in the scope of the insuring sector has been practically null, we
think that this important deficit must be solved offering to the
European consumer, through their Associations, the opportunity to
participate as much in the administrative mechanisms of control
as in the established systems of extrajudicial resolution. In this
way, it is necessary to establish the participation of the Consumer
Associations in the "European Committee of Insurance Supervisors
and Retirement Pensions", as all the "Committees of Financial
Services" operating at the moment.
Procedures of Extrajudicial Claim. - In the matter of insurances,
the European legislation, as in the other fields of the financial
consumer, it insists with good criterion on urging the European
States to adopt procedures of extrajudicial resolution for all those
conflicts that arise between consumer and supplier, but, once again,
does it in a too ambiguous, non concrete and generic form. Without,
in spite of having declared in repeated occasions timidly to its
favour, once and for all it is made a mention expresses and determined
in favour of the Consumer Arbitration System as the best and more
effective means of extrajudicial resolution of conflicts, and even
though when it is the only means of extrajudicial resolution of
conflicts that really answers with guarantees to the principles
of independence, transparency, contradiction, effectiveness, legality,
freedom and representation, that the European Union recommends for
all existing body or that can be created and that could give true
guarantees and confidence to consumers.
With this so ambiguous regulation what it is happening it is that
they are been considered as good all type of extrajudicial claim
systems, whatever they are, and although in principle the existence
of a diversity of mechanisms and forms of protection of the consumer
seems acceptable, without for that reason they had to undergo the
interests of these, whenever there was certain harmony in the levels
of protection of the consumers and which made that these mechanisms
exist in all the UE, that had a high degree of diffusion between
the communitarian consumers and enough effectiveness to be used
easily in the cross border conflicts, the certain thing is that
it is stated that is necessary that common criteria more concrete
exist to guarantee the effective defense of the consumer.
Seeing these undeniable critics of the present systems of extrajudicial
defense of the insured that act rather as mediators or even as simple
services of marketing, we think that it must take place a deep reform
that once and for all establishes procedures and bodies that really
contribute to the defense of the consumer. With this aim, and as
has reiterated the European Commission in repeated occasions, greater
transparency and participation of the consumers in the processes
in which at the moment the controversies are dissolved (Ombudsman,
Insured Defender...), for it would be advisable that in all the
States of the European Union will obligatorily settle down as extrajudicial
means of resolution of conflicts a system of bodies with the participation
in its election of the three implied sectors: administration, enterprise
and consumer, and without considering enough the simple establishment
of a service or department of attention to the client.
And all it, because although they do not dare to ratify the arbitration
system as only means of extrajudicial resolution, which cannot be
admitted is that the European Commission compares all the systems
of defense and admits, with its generic regulation as valid, systems
of Defense which they are not such and that evidently they must
be reformed.
And it is that related to the arbitration, historically the insuring
organizations have refused to adhere totally to the Consumer Arbitration
System. For example, in Spain, in which concerns the insuring sector,
for some time has adhered to the system UNESPA, which although should
supposed a great advance for the consumers in the sphere corresponding
to its defense, nevertheless, given the mentioned freedom of the
system for the insurers and since they must still adhere each one
of them individually, the adhesion is being relative. In fact, in
many occasions, mainly when important questions are explained, the
insurers assigned to UNESPA individually are not accepting the adhesion
to the arbitration done by this one. In the case of insuring the
refusal to the adhesion it is in addition in our opinion in certain
way contradictory, because while by a side they are opposing multiple
objections to the complete adhesion to the arbitration system in
the conflicts with the consumer, on the other hand we were whereupon,
in the conflicts that happened among them they admit it without
the inconvenient minor. In this sense, we remember that the great
part of the Spanish insuring companies are assigned to so mentioned
agreements that joint them to an own arbitration system of resolution
of great part of the conflicts arisen among them. Thus we intuited
that they do not adhere only by objections to the arbitration systems,
but among other reasons, mainly because therefore many claims are
avoided that in case of being adhered the consumer would not doubt
in urging, but that they know that by the judicial way, with its
high costs, slowness and complications, they are not going to do
In this aspect, to our understanding, Consumer Associations, as
the own administrations we must fight for this adhesion of the financial
organizations to the arbitration system, and we think that the best
way to obtain that massive adhesion of the financial organizations,
is causing that is carried out of in a progressive way, beginning
with an adhesion limited in the quantities and matters, that gradually
is going to increase in number and importance of the questions to
Finally, with respect to the administrative services of supervision
and claim management (Main Directorate of Insurances in Spain, German
Federal Agency of Financial Supervision, etc.), to ours to understand,
by the developed experience, these beings are not the more suitable
system of conflicts resolution, among other things because the conception
of these bodies separates of the so repeated concept of collective
and participative body that the own European Commission even considers
as more effective and suitable, lacking consequently of any active
participation of the consumer in them.
In conclusion, it is sure that a policy of consumers in the European
scope must be the prolongation of the inner market, because is evident
that if the single market works well it will stimulate the confidence
of the consumers, for that reason is positive the intense regulation
that from the enterprise point of view has been given of the insurance
sector, nevertheless, not for that reason we can forget, as it has
done, that a specific legislative policy of protection of the consumers
is necessary also, that in addition should be the most homogenous
possible in all the States, till obtaining an uniform system in
all the communitarian territory that guarantee identical protection
to the consumer independently of the state legislation that is applied
to it.
That protective norm of the consumer must be something more than
simple rules of common minimums of merely orientation character
that leaves practically everything into the hands of the State members,
but must be a clear and concrete norm, that it delimits with exactitude
the margins of protection of the consumer without opening to the
States possible ways of escape at the time of its application.