The defense of the consumers before insolvency situations of the
banks, insurances and investment services
Throughout history most of the states at any moment they have experienced
more or less intense episodes of financial crises, although nevertheless
the causes that cause them continue being not known. The economic
cycles, factors as an alteration in the general economic situation
and, specially, the incorrect management of the operators, are,
doubtlessly explanatory elements of these, although of little sustenance
in which is related to the search of efficient solutions that manage
to avoid them. To such an extent that can even be said that the
history of the financial crises is also the one on the attempts
to avoid its repetition as well as its more negative effects.
The extension and improves of the information levels provided to
the customer, the regulation and supervision of activities and the
intervention of the authorities are some of the formulated proposals
trying to mitigate the effects of such periods. Although in this
problematic one it deserves special attention knowing how the different
legal orderings solve, each one in its way, the situations of economic
crisis of the credit organizations, still more when it is evident
that as a result of the liberalization process that historically
have been producing in all the European states exist a greater preoccupation
for the subject, until the point that the figure of the guarantee
fund which we will approach, it occupes a position of especial attention
in the financial field as measurement of fundamental protection
to endorse to the economizer - investor before possible situations
of risk, and is that even from the own European Union has been tried
to equip to all the States with minimum covers forehead to the appearance
with these financial crises.
Although already the Directives relative to insurances forced the
insurance companies at the time of guaranteeing their solvency to
have certain amount of own resources, in which was called “margin
of solvency", when it is possible to speak of a real European
legislation in the matter is from the publication of the Directive
94/19/CE relative to the guarantee systems of deposits and the Directive
97/9/CE, relative to the indemnification systems of the investors.
With such norms they tried clearly in the communitarian scope to
create an harmonization related to the Guarantee Funds in the banking
and values sector, so that any citizen of the European Union could
open a banking account in any State member and carry out banking
transferences towards or from this account with complete surety.
Nevertheless, this wanted harmonization has not been fulfilled,
coexisting in the communitarian scope diverse and distant levels
of protection that cause a great insecurity in the consumer.
For all these reasons, we are going to analyze, among other questions,
mainly the problematic ones to, which in this scope faces the consumer
- user - investor, to develop simultaneously diverse proposals of
normative evolution to obtain the most beneficial possible homogenization
and improvement of the European legislations.
The Funds of Guarantee have as main objective guarantee the commitments
of the financial organizations with their customer. Such organizations
have appear to cover a necessity of the European legal orderings
as answer to a process initiated by the own European Union to equip
all the States with a cover as opposed to the appearance of foreseeable
financial crises.
a) Bigger harmonization and increase of the guarantees of the Funds
of Guarantee in the European Union.
Although in the European Union a great harmonization in relation
to the Funds of Guarantee of the banking and values sectors has
been obtained mainly though the Directive 94/19/CE relative to the
guarantee systems of deposits and the Directive 97/9/CE, relative
to the indemnification systems of the investors, it has been impossible
to avoid that the same one has been in certain way incomplete, because
different types of application based on the different States members
Thus, although it is true that a minimum level of protection has
been established that guarantees the return of a certain amount
whatever is the Member State in which the credit organization is
located, it is true that the minimum amount that will be object
of that return it will vary depending on the legislation of each
State, which evidently affects excessively on the wanted equality
of treatment of the European client.
In the communitarian scope this cover supposes a minimum of 20,000
Euro for all the deposits or the rights of each depositor or investor,
respectively, that the states members can combine with a limitation
of the right of the depositor or investor to a specified percentage
that cannot be inferior to 90% of the right.
Thus, for example, in Spain the traditional accounts and deposits
(those known as impositions on credit fixed) are covered by the
Fund of Guarantee of Deposits (FGD) that guarantees this minimum
of 20,000 Euro by client, independently of the number of account
he is titular. That is to say, if an investor has several accounts
and deposits, the maximum guaranteed is calculated on the amount
placed in all of them. If, for example, an account has two holders,
to each one of them a maximum of 20,000 Euro is guaranteed.
Anyway, although we talk of the FGD as if it was one, in Spain
exist three types of funds, one for each covered entity type: banks,
savings banks and credit cooperatives. All of them try to guarantee
the deposits in cash and in values constituted in credit organizations
when some of the following circumstances takes place: first, declaration
of bankruptcy of the organization. Second, judicial request of suspension
of payments. And third, unpaimment of the required and payable deposits,
with declaration of the National Bank of Spain that the financial
situation of the organization disables to restitute them in an immediate
future. However, the amounts placed in accounts and deposits that
surpass the amount of 20,000 Euro, are not covered by the FGD. In
these cases, the holders will have to wait till the processes of
bankruptcy or suspension of payments will be solved to recover the
amounts that surpass the limit covered by the FGD, process that
could be delayed several years.
On the other hand the investment in shares is covered by the Fund
of Guarantee of Investments (FGI). This fund was recently created
with similarity to the FGD, being the amount that guarantees also
20,000 Euro for each investor. This fund covers the reimbursement
of money, values and instruments that are deposited or registered
in companies of investment services (societies and values agencies,
mainly) and credit organizations (banks, savings banks and cooperatives)
when these undergo some of the following situations: first, they
have been declared in bankruptcy or suspension of payments. And
second, when the CNMV declares that the company cannot fulfil the
obligations contracted with the investors.
Finally we have the investment funds. These do not have any cover
from the guarantee funds. The legislation establishes a series of
cautions to guarantee the contributor one that he will recover his
money in case of insolvency of the managing organization. The main
caution is the effective separation between the managing organization,
in charge of the transaction of values, and the depositor organization
(the one in charge of guarding the values that acquires the fund).
This last one must be necessarily a credit organization (bank, saving
bank or cooperative), that it is supervised by the National Bank
of Spain, or a society or values agency, that is supervised by the
CNMV. The lodging plans have the same system of guarantees. The
only difference with the investment funds is that the supervisor
body who must supervise the managing organizations in this case
is the Main Directorate of Insurances.
Seeing the negative experiences in the European Union, we think
that it is necessary to rise this minimum that has remained really
small, and even reframe the possibility of restoring a new system
that offers a greater level of protection to users. In this sense
we understand that the situation of the economizer-investors as
opposed to the European banking sector reflects the necessity that
the cover of the funds of guarantees will not be fixed as a concrete
amount, but a cover through somewhat percentage. Definitively, we
propose a system in which the cover will be more proportional to
the amount deposited in the account, deposit or investment. From
here the suggestion to modify the system towards a proportional
cover though somewhat percent, that could be, as an example, 50%
or even create a cover system that tends towards a mixed system
in which a fixed amount is combined with an percentage of the amount
demanded by the applicant.
We think that these proposals of cover are much more reasonable
that those that prevails in the European scope at the moment, in
such way that an individual investor-economizer who has put into
the hands of a financial organization an amount inferior or similar
to 20,000 Euro, he can be satisfied with the cover that the Guarantee
Fund of Deposits and the Guarantee Fund of Investment offers him.
Nevertheless the situation in which will be involved an investor
with an inverted amount very superior to the legal limit will not
be favorable. From here our main argument for the modification of
the present minimum of legal cover of the Guarantee Funds and could
surpass the limitation that the system supposes in the defense of
the interests of the all consumers and users.
On the other hand, we think that would be also interesting to value
the incorporation to the present system of cover of an update term,
similar to which it is used in the insurance policies, that annually
will evaluate the total of deposits and investments made in each
state member to identify the necessity a modification in the amount
covered by the guarantee system.
All these modifications should be always implanted accompanied
of an iron control on the part of the communitarian and national
administrations that avoid that the increase of the guarantees ends
up repelling in the economy of the client, because we can not forget
that all the proposals exposed until now would be implanted in the
European scene generating their corresponding effect on the financial
organizations, the situation would cause that the financial organizations
had to face a series of contributions much more elevated, reason
why they will be forced to have greater reserves in their balances
to be able to face the payment of the new requirements that the
guarantee system plans. When destining more money to reserves and,
therefore, to reduce the money destined to deposits, the banks will
decrease the proportion of capital in circulation, and therefore,
and consequently, would obtain minor rentability with their investments.
Which would generate small rentability to the financial organizations
and could as well have as effect the possibility of an increase
of the banking commissions, and even, as last instance a generalized
raise of the interest rates in the economy.
b) Organic modification of the Guarantee Fund and its systems of
Finally, we think that to guarantee the functional independence
of the Guarantee Fund of Investment is necessary the creation of
an instrument that allows the direct representation of the interests
of the affected investing economizers. The exposition comes to be
similar to the Spanish figure of the impositors in the General Assembly
of a Savings bank. Within the managing society its form of Joint-stock
company allows that there is a participation on it on the side of
the shareholders, the companies of investment services adhered in
the same proportion in which they carry out their contributions
to the Fund, reason why in last instance the participation would
be allowed to all who form the capital of such companies of investment
The situation in the field of the Guarantee Funds for Insurances
is much more difficult, to such an extent that it is perfectly possible
that, within the framework of the liquidation of a same company
of insurances, an insurance holder could be covered by a guarantee
fund, whereas another person with an identical insurance contract
is not protected or it is in smaller degree. The lack of harmonization
in this field is bigger than in the Guarantee Funds of the Credit
Organizations, affecting excessively the treatment equality, not
only between insurance operators but also between insurance companies
and other financial organizations.
In fact, the real thing is that at the moment there is no protection
for a big number of insurance holders, the biggest part of the insurance
holders of the European Union are not protected by a guarantee system
in case of liquidation of the insurance company. Only some states
members have guarantee systems of insurances and its cover varies
considerably from a country to another one. Eight countries of the
European Union have a guarantee system in which the insurances of
nonlife are protected and six the insurances of life. It is only
in three countries where exists a guarantee system which protects
the not of life and life insurances simultaneously (Spain, United
Kingdom and Malta). The lack of harmonization in this area creates
a great number of gaps and duplications in the protection of the
insurance holders.
For consumers it is not easy to know if they are covered by a system
due to the different reach of the cover of the national regimes
of guarantee (covered insurance holders, insurance classes, scope
of territorial application, protection level), and to what extent,
mainly in case of cross border activities (branch and free benefit
of services). This lack of harmonization at communitarian level
does not exist in other areas of financial services, as they are
the banking and values sectors.
The adoption of the Directorate on reorganization and liquidation
of Insurances companies has reinforced, evidently, the protection
of the insurance creditors in case of liquidation though a system
of general and special privileges. Nevertheless, when the company
does not have sufficient technical provisions or depending on the
type of demands to which it must do face, the remaining money can
be non sufficient to pay all the creditors.
In a frame of increasing convergence of financial products it is
difficult to justify, from a perspective of the single market, why
a consumer who buys, for example, a saving product of life insurance
to a company of insurances is not protected by a guarantee system,
whereas the same consumer would be covered if he bought a product
of almost identical saving to a bank. The protection of the consumer
would not have to depend on if a product is bought in a bank or
in an insuring company.
In Spain for example it is the mentioned Liquidation Commission
the one that guards by the guarantee of all these assets. This organism
guarantees any credit, whatever it is the quantity. In fact, it
can demonstrate that it has given back the credits inverted in insurances
to the 100%. As in all insurance, the main guarantee for the policyholder
must be the solvency of the organization, by which it must guard
the supervisor body of this activity, that is the Main Directorate
of Insurances. In the case of the forecast insurance companies,
similar in their activities to the insurers (although unlike these,
the first ones they do not have shareholders, but all clients are
mutualistics), the supervision function is transferred to the Autonomic
Communities. These have developed their own supervision bodies depending
of the Councils of Economy, which contribute to foment this lack
of harmonization. The solvency level comes established in the insurers
by the technical provisions, that must be sufficient to guarantee
all the obligations assumed in contracts and to armor the stability
of the company before oscillations of the sinisterness. In this
way not only the banking accounts and deposits count on the endorsement
of a liquidation organism, but also the insuring companies are under
such system of protection.
As solution to this problem, we understand that in addition to
the existing and future norms in the area of solvency, is necessary
the creation of a "Guarantee Fund of Insurances" as last
mechanism of intervention to assure the protection of the insured,
other categories of possible plaintiffs and to assure the stability
of the insurance agencies. Since the stability of these, or rather,
the expectation of stability that the consumers have of them, is
the element on which the confidence of the insurance holders is
based and what bases the insuring industry like this. If a crisis
supposes the destruction of this confidence, the incapacity to face
the claims of the affected consumers still has a more devastating
effect in the confidence that the insured deposit in the insuring
organizations. The creation of a Guarantee Fund of Insurances would
fortify the confidence around it and as a consequence would consolidate
the own industry giving an incentive to the competitive scope and
promoting a conscience of collective responsibility between the
members of the insuring industry that would impel an improvement
in the management of risks.
The Guarantee Fund of Insurances would allow to give the insurance
holders a protection system much more flexible, fast and sure, which
would avoid that the development of a guarantee system by each state
member carried out to a situation of confusion, duplicity and finally,
lack of protection for great amount of European insurance holders.
The European Commission must be the one who sets the standards to
follow by all the European States and will be later when each country
will adapt the norm to the necessities that its own consumer market
demands but always starting off of the guidelines that the European
Commission has proposed previously. In its process of legislative
harmonization the European Community will have to arrive at a consensus
on the form that must take a Guarantee Fund of Insurances for all
the members of the European single market, because first of all
it is necessary to adopt a Guarantee Fund of Insurance uniform for
all the states members.
The previous step is to establish a system of minimums for the
insurance holders, a legal instrument of minimum guarantees binding
at communitarian level that would establish the mutual recognition
with the harmonization of certain fundamental norms.
This system would be coherent with the exposition followed in the
effective legislation of the European Union related to the banking
activities and the values sector. It would allow to accommodate
different legal expositions and to adapt the already existing national
mechanisms in the States members. Reason why the harmonization would
be only focused in the necessary aspects for the correct operation
of the single market, leaving to the legislation of each state member
the more specific aspects.
As the Guarantee Fund of Investments they will be nourished, exclusively,
with contributions of the adhered organizations, that will be established
based on the number of clients and the deposited or registered capitals,
although they have the possibility of arranging loans.
The present systems of guarantees have a varied scope of application.
Whereas France, Ireland and Spain essentially follow an system of
"origin country" (all the operations are covered with
insurances under the supervision of the State member of origin),
the system of the United Kingdom has an orientation of "reception
country", although it also covers a certain free benefit of
services in the United Kingdom.
The European harmonization towards a system of "origin country"
could make appear certain problems, since citizen from an assured
European country under the freedom of services by a company of insurances
with seat in another European country, where there is a guarantee
system with a lower level of protection than the offered in the
country of the insured, it would not benefit from the same protection
that if it had been done in his origin country.
In fact we face the situation that although a insurance holder
has a contract with an authorized insurance company in a country
in which exists a guarantee system, is not assured its cover in
case of liquidation of the company. It exists also the possibility
that even could remain without protection if the insurance has been
contracted in a branch established in another country and this branch
is not covered by the regime of origin guarantee. In addition, the
requirements of transparency of the guarantee regimes vary too much
from a country to another one: whereas in some States members this
information is obligatory, in other this information is prohibited.
On the other hand, we face also that in the present guarantee systems
of European insurances, the given protection varies considerably.
In some cases the guarantee regime of insurances covers the totality
of the demand of the insurance holders against the insurance company;
nevertheless in others the cover level is limited to a percentage,
or a maximum amount, or both.
The system of protection of life, health and accidents insurances
in France that covers also the pending wrecks as the premiums non
consumed, offers a cover of 90,000 Euro by death, 70,000 Euro by
plaintiff in the life saving insurance and finally 90,000 Euro by
disease, accidents and incapacity.
Another case is the Canadian case with 200,000 CAD (125,000 Euro)
but 60,000 CAD (38,000 Euro) in effective value for life, health
and accident insurances and 250,000 CAD (158,000 Euro) for the nonlife
In the case of Korea are 50 million Won (41,000 Euro) for life,
health and accidents insurances, and for nonlife insurances.
The present system in the U.S.A. offers for life, health and accidents
insurances, a cover of 300,000 USD (300,000 Euro), but are 100,000
USD (100,000 Euro) in effective value 100,000 USD (100,000 Euro)
annuities of benefits and 500,000 USD (500,000 Euro) by health benefits.
The demands of insured, beneficiaries, assignees and beneficiaries
are covered by the system. For non life insurances insurances insurances
insurances insurances insurances insurances insurances insurances
insurances insurances are 300,000 USD (300 000 Euro) by property
and responsibility 10,000 USD (10,000 Euro) by premiums non consumed.
For this other case the cover responds the demands, including premiums
nonconsumed, of insured and third covers.
Before such circumstance we think that it is neccessary to grant
higher levels of protection than the established till now. The amount
covered by the guarantee system in the insurance sector has to satisfy
the total amount of the contributions done by the insurance holders.
Basing us and taking from reference the cover in non life insurances
that is made in Japan with a 90% of the demand, we propose a similar
system through the creation of a Guarantee Fund for Insurances.
With this proposal we continue defending the alternative of cover
through a percentage system instead of a cover through a system
of minimum fixed amount.
We think that although the cover made for deposits in investments
is considerably inferior, we must value that the insurance sector
is an area that differs substantially from the banking societies
or investment. Whereas in these sectors it is possible to choose
more than one supplier to diversify, in the insurance sector it
is much more complicated for the small economizer-investor. To this
we add the factor that, the value of the assured goods is often
higher, of such form that, many life contracts, by the fact of being
long term, have a higher amount than the limits established within
the banking sector.
We do not reject a mixed system of guarantee either. As a example,
we could take as reference the case of the insurances (of life,
health, accidents and nonlife) of the Irish system of protection
that responds to a cover of the 100% of the first 2000£ (3,165
Euro) and to 90% of the rest of the demand without maximum amount.
In this case, the cover also includes the pending wrecks as the
premiums nonconsumed.
In this way, as in the Guarantee Fund of Investments the proposal
for the Guarantee Fund of Insurances is that the cover of the funds
extends to the money and values that the clients had trusted to
the insuring companies, but, of course we understand that will not
reach the losses of value of the investment or any credit risk,
everything what corresponds to pure losses of investment. The complete
protection of the Guarantee Fund for Insurances should cover also
third plaintiffs.
In conclusion, to reach the persecuted aim of the European Union
all needs firstly to seat the free market, for which it is necessary
to create measures that eliminate the defenselessness sensation
that at the moment it invades to the communitarian consumer when
contracting in other States members, and that allows him to have
the security of having guaranteed its savings before future and
possible financial crises, it does not matter if they are communitarian,
state or of a financial organization in particular.