SUBJECT 3: Mortgage credit


European Legislation of Mortgage credit

- Commission Recommendation of 1 March 2001 on pre-contractual information to be given to consumers by lenders offering home loans

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Spanish Legislation of Mortgage credit

- Title V of the Commerce Code, about the commercial loans. Articles from 311 to 324, Royal Decree of 22 August of 1985.

- Title XV of the book IV of the Civil Code, of mortgage contracts. Articles from 1857 to 1862 and from 1874 to 1880. Royal Order of 29 July of 1889.

- - Mortgage Law of 8 February of 1948.

- Law 2/1981 of 25 March of regulation of the mortgage market

- Law 19/1992 of 7 July, about the regime of real state investment companies and funds and mortgage securities funds.

- Law 2/1994; of 30 March; of subrogation and changes of mortgage credits.

- Lawsuit Law 1/2000, arts. 681 and the following, of the specialities of in the execution of mortgaged or pawned properties.

- Law 44/2002 of 22 November, of reform measures of the financial system

- Royal Decree 515/1989, of 21 April about consumers protection as for information to be provided in contracts of real state sale and tenancy agreements.

- Royal Decree 775/1997 of 30 May, of the juridical regime of official approval of services and building valuation companies.

- Royal Decree 1/2002 of 11 January, about measures of financing subsidised performance as regards housing and building land of the Plan 2002- 2005.

- Royal Decree Law 2/2003, of 25 April, of measures of economic reform.

- Order of 5 May of 1994, of transparency of the financial conditions of the mortgage credits.

- Order of 30 November 1994, about rules of valuation of building and determined rights of certain financial objectives

- Ministerial Order of 1 December of 1999, that modifies the kind of calculation of de Mibor interest rate for one year

- Order ECO 805/2003 of 27 March of 2003, about rules of valuation of building and determined rights of certain financial objectives.

- Bank of Spain 8/1990 of 7 de September about transparency of operations and protection of the clients, that affects more directly to the mortgage credits.


This project is being sponsored by the DG SANCO of the European Commission and the Spanish Consumer Institute | Spanish Banking and Insurance Consumers Association Any problem or technical request, contact
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