
10th SUBJECT: General conditions of the financial contracts.


- Introduction to the law of general conditions and unfair terms. By: Ignacio Moralejo Menéndez, Department of Enterprise Law. University of Zaragoza. Consumption Books. Government of Aragon.

- The “reasonable expectations” in the contracts of adhesion. By: ADICAE Technical Team

- General conditions and unfair terms in the securities contracts. By: ADICAE Technical Team

- Unfair terms in financial contracts. By: ADICAE Technical Team. “Usuarios” Journal, no. 54 January 2001

- Injunction actions and protection of the diffuse interest of consumers. By: ADICAE Technical Team. Commentary to the Law 39/2002, of 28 October, that transferred to the Spanish legal system diverse Directives regarding the protection of interests of consumers and users.

- Contracting General Conditions Register: changes introduced by the Jurisprudence. Contest action to the Regulation of the Contracting General Conditions Register, passed by the Royal Decree 1828/1999, of 3 December.


- Consumer protection against unfair terms in the Spanish regulation: Law 26/1984 of 19 July, General Law for the defence of consumers and users.

- Spanish regulation on general conditions. Law 7/1998, of 13 April, about contracting general conditions

- General conditions and distance contracting. Royal Decree 1906/1999, of 17 December, that regulates the telephone or electronic contracting with general conditions, developing the article 5.3 of the Law 7/1998, of 13 April, of contracting general conditions.

- Publicity and registration of the contracting general conditions. Royal Decree 1828/1999, of 3 December, that approves the Regulation of the Register of Contracting General Conditions.

- Injunction actions and defence of the diffuse consumers interests. Law 39/2002, of 28 October, that transposed to the Spanish legal system diverse Directives regarding the protection of interests of consumers and users.


- European Directive on unfair terms in consumer contracts. Council Directive 93/13/EEC of 5 April 1993 on unfair terms in consumer contracts

- Injunction actions regarding consumer interests protections. Directive 98/27/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 19 May 1998 on injunctions for the protection of consumers' interest


- Unfair terms in banking contracting. By: D. Roberto García Martínez. Professor of Enterprise Law of the School of Enterprise Studies of the Zaragoza University. Member of the juridical team of ADICAE

This project is being sponsored by the DG SANCO of the European Commission and the National Institute of Consumption of Spain. | Spanish Banking and Insurance Consumers Association Any problem or technical request, contact
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