
On-line Counseling

ADICAE offers this website for users to email any questions about payment methods, fraud in payment means, user´s rights, etc.

Tell us about your problems and we will try to give you advice about where and how to take action.

At ADICAE, we encourage you to always stand up for your rights and to use all means available to solve conflicts with payment means. Remember it is your money that is at risk; do not hesitate to contact us with questions or issues that are of your interest.

Please send your questions and suggestions to the following email address:

ADICAE Asociación de Usuarios de Bancos, Cajas y Seguros


Spanish version





This project has been subsidized by the European Commission

ADICAE - Asociación de Usuarios de Bancos, Cajas y Seguros de España
ADICAE Servicios Centrales: c/Gavín, 12 local, 50001 ZARAGOZA (España).
N.I.F. G50464932. Inscrita con el N° 5 en el registro de Asociaciones de Consumidores del Instituto Nacional de Consumo de España. Email