Symposium “Consumers facing fraud in payment methods”

The national seminar “Consumers facing fraud in payment methods” organized by ADICAE was held on 3rd April, 2009. Such event was included in Bolsalia 2009 activity programme.


Symposium: "Consumers facing fraud in payment methods". Friday, 3rd April, 10:30-12:30 Roma Room, Bolsalia.

10:30 Opening act

10:35 "Security for payment card users: solutions and challenges concerning fraud". Series of papers by:

Piet Lakeman, Fraud Management Senior Manager, Visa Europa

Juan Manuel Viver, ADICAE International Projects Manager

11:30 Debate: "Internet and new technologies: Are consumers safe?” with the participation of:

- Mr. Miguel de Bas Sotelo, executive advisor for OPTIMAWEB. ANEI Representative (National Association of Internet Companies)

- Mr. Emilio Castellote, Product Marketing Director, Panda Security

- Angel Barbero, Advisor for SAFETYPAY

- Gabriel Agattiello, Trend Micro Representative

12:30 Break and exhibition of project material.

16:30 Paper, “New types of internet fraud: Detection and Prevention” by Miguel Giménez, Director of ADICAE Projects.

18:00 Paper, “Hazards for consumers when using payment cards” by Juan Manuel Viver, Director of ADICAE International Projects.

A large number of people attended the event and were very interested in the issue; later they had the opportunity to ask questions at ADICAE stand in Bolsalia and participate in the workshops that were organized.



ADICAE Asociación de Usuarios de Bancos, Cajas y Seguros


Spanish version





This project has been subsidized by the European Commission

ADICAE - Asociación de Usuarios de Bancos, Cajas y Seguros de España
ADICAE Servicios Centrales: c/Gavín, 12 local, 50001 ZARAGOZA (España).
N.I.F. G50464932. Inscrita con el N° 5 en el registro de Asociaciones de Consumidores del Instituto Nacional de Consumo de España. Email