4. Over-indebtedness


Legal protection for European consumers from familiar economic bankruptcy.

For consumers, the use of credit is a very common way to purchase goods. It could not be in any other way, because as goods are produced and services are provided in mass scale, their use must be massive as well, otherwise, the stocks would accumulate, and the supply chain between producers and consumers would stack.

In this economic scene, consumer credit facilitates and accelerates the trade of mass-produced goods and services. Besides an increase of inflation and a reduction of savings studied by economic science, another risk, subject of this analysis, is threatening consumers.

This threat is the excessive use of credit which could lead, through irrational behaviours in economic terms, to over-indebtedness, caused by how easy consumers can have their purchases financed. This is a key issue for European economy in general, and particularly for Spain, a country that lacks a suitable preventive regulation of these situations.


:: Germany ::


:: Italy ::


:: Greece ::




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This project is being sponsored by the DG SANCO of the European Commission and the Spanish Consumer Institute | Spanish Banking and Insurance Consumers Association Any problem or technical request, contact
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