5. Distance means of payment and financial services at distant banking


Payment systems, e-banking and distance marketing of consumer financial services:
For a complete regulation of the new technologies for consumers, and security and fraud problems.

The concept “payment systems” includes a range of products and services offered by financial institutions to consumers, and they are very common nowadays.

All these products and services make the regulating framework very confusing and difficult to be specific. Thus, while checks and promissory notes are well regulated in Spain, credit cards do not have a specific regulation, despite the efforts the EU legislative body is making.
We must also distinguish between payment systems that only allow us to use our money and the ones that lend us money.

Community Institutions have stressed the development of payment systems, specially the electronic ones, which are the ones with more present and future in the EU.

Brussels considers that the development of electronic payment systems is closely related to the development of a real European single market, and that free movement of goods and money will only be efficient if we have the technological support for these payment systems.

Moreover, it is important to state some general behaviour principles in the relationship between users and institutions in order to avoid situations of dishonest use in case a credit card is stolen or lost.


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This project is being sponsored by the DG SANCO of the European Commission and the Spanish Consumer Institute | Spanish Banking and Insurance Consumers Association Any problem or technical request, contact
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